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  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • American Samoa 1
  • Marshall Islands 1
  • Federated States of Micronesia1
  • Northern Mariana Islands 1
  • Guam 1
  • Palau 1

South America


1 This country is considered a dependent territory and as such may be included in a different countries' search.
2 Turkey is a transcontinental country situated in Western Asia and Eastern Europe.

PayerFusion and its Licensees has made reasonable efforts to ensure that the list of providers displayed is up to date and accurate. Please call the provider before making an appointment to verify that the provider continues to be part of the network. Members should refer to their benefit contract or contact their insurance Customer Service department to determine if the provider type is covered. Members should also ask Customer Service if the treatment requested from a network provider is covered. Neither the PayerFusion nor any of its Licensees shall be liable for any losses, damages, or uncovered charges as a result of using this provider locator Web site or receiving care from a provider listed in this Web site.

The Quality Based Recognition identifies doctors and/or hospitals for a variety of performance improvement activities, including participation in clinical improvement programs for doctors and hospitals, completion of educational modules and maintenance of board certifications for doctors, and accreditation for hospitals. PayerFusion and companies disclaim responsibility for the accuracy (presence or absence) of these designations.